Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety About Wisdom Teeth Removal

23 Sep
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Consult

If you are scared or nervous about your upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, you need to know that it is completely normal and that you are not alone. While wisdom teeth removal is a common and sometimes necessary dental procedure that can prevent future dental problems, it can trigger feelings of fear or anxiety for several people. Today, our experienced South Perth dentist has prepared some practical tips and useful strategies you can follow to feel more at ease about the procedure and approach your treatment with confidence.

Why Do Some People Have Dental Anxiety About Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Here’s why many people may feel nervous or even scared about wisdom teeth removal:

Fear of Pain: Fear of pain and discomfort can be considered one of the main reasons why people experience anxiety about wisdom teeth extraction. While these days, modern techniques and various sedation options have made dental procedures a lot less scary than before, the fear or anxiety about dental treatment still exists.

Bad Past Experiences: People with traumatic past dental experiences are more likely to experience fear or nervousness about wisdom teeth removal or other dental procedures.

Loss of Control: Some people get anxious when they don’t fully understand what’s happening or feel they’re losing control, and sitting or lying in a dental chair can trigger this feeling.

Sounds and Sensations: You may hear many different unfamiliar sounds in a dental setting, which can be unsettling or scary. Besides, some people get uneasy by the sensation of dental work being done in their mouth.

Stories from Others: If you have heard horror stories about other people’s dental experiences, you are probably scared or anxious about your upcoming dental procedure.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Getting prepared for your wisdom teeth removal may help you overcome your fear or nervousness about the procedure.

Get Plenty of Sleep: A good night’s sleep before your dental treatment can help you feel calm and less anxious on the day of the procedure.

Eat a Healthy Meal: Ask your dentist what and when to eat before your wisdom tooth extraction. Having a light meal may help prevent feeling lightheaded. It’s important to ask your dentist whether you are allowed to eat or drink anything prior to your procedure, especially if sedation is involved. Your dentist may ask you to avoid eating or drinking anything for a few hours before your procedure.

Stay Hydrated: Make sure you drink plenty of water before your treatment unless the procedure involves anaesthesia.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before your procedure because they may increase your anxiety or affect anaesthesia.

Arrange a Ride Home: Arranging for a friend or family member to take you home after the procedure can relieve stress and put your mind at ease.

Follow these simple steps so that you can arrive for your procedure feeling prepared and more relaxed. 

Communication is Key

Talking openly with your dentist about how you feel is really important and can help you deal with any nervousness about getting your wisdom teeth removed. Communicating with your dentist helps make the process easier and less stressful.

Express Your Concerns: It is a good idea to talk openly with your dentist about your anxieties or fears and ask for their advice. Dentists encounter many similar situations daily and are good at providing reassurance or practical tips.

Ask Questions: Some people may experience reduced anxiety or fear if they know what’s involved in the procedure; that’s why you should communicate with your dentist and ask any questions or concerns you may have.

Discuss Pain Management: If you need to know what your sedation and anaesthesia options are, ensure you discuss them with your dentist. Knowing there are ways to relieve pain and discomfort can further put your mind at ease.

Customise Your Experience: Some dentists are willing to make adjustments, like using specific tools or techniques, to tailor the procedure to the patient’s needs. Some patients also feel less overwhelmed if the dentist schedules breaks during the procedure.

By talking openly, you and your dentist can work together to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

Relaxation Techniques to Try

To feel less anxious during or before your wisdom tooth extraction appointment, you can try relaxation techniques.

Deep Breathing: Breathe deeply and slowly. Try inhaling through your nose, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then gradually exhaling it through your mouth. This can reduce your heart rate and calm your nerves.

Guided Imagery: Try closing your eyes and imagining a peaceful place or a memory that makes you happy. Focusing on happy thoughts and distracting your mind from what’s happening during a dental procedure can help reduce anxiety.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Focusing on tensing and relaxing each muscle group can distract your mind from the dental treatment and ease tension.

Listen to Music: Some people bring their favourite music or a pleasant audiobook to the dental clinic to listen to while receiving dental care. Listening to calming music can divert your attention from the procedure and help reduce anxiety.

These simple techniques can make a big difference in your comfort level during the dental procedure.

What to Expect During the Procedure

You may feel a lot less anxious if you know the steps involved in removing wisdom teeth. Here’s what you can expect:

Preparation: You will sit comfortably in a dental chair, and your dentist will ensure that you are relaxed and ready for the treatment.

Anaesthesia: Your dentist begins by administering a local anaesthetic to numb the area around your wisdom teeth. Depending on your situation, your dentist may decide to use dental sedation as well. Sedation dentistry is used to make patients relaxed and, in some cases, unconscious for the duration of the procedure.

Removal: Your dentist will extract your tooth gently and carefully. How easy or complicated removing your wisdom tooth is depends on how much of the tooth the dentist can see above the gums and where the tooth is located in your mouth.

Cleaning and Stitching: After removing your wisdom tooth, the dentist will clean the area and, if necessary, stitch up the gum.

Recovery in Clinic: If you receive anaesthesia for the procedure, you will be sent to a recovery room to recover. After you recover from the anaesthesia your dentist will give you instructions about how to take care of your mouth and what medication to use.

This process is done with your comfort in mind, aiming to make it as smooth and pain-free as possible.

Sedation Dentistry Options

Different sedation dentistry options are available for people with severe dental phobia or anxiety, people with special needs, or when the procedure is complicated.

Laughing Gas

Happy gas or laughing gas is also referred to as nitrous oxide and is used to make you feel relaxed and less nervous during a dental procedure. Your dentist will place a mask over your nose so that you breathe in the gas and feel relaxed. The gas will wear off after the procedure is finished and the dentist removes the mask. Since laughing gas does not have long-lasting effects, you can typically drive home after your treatment.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves the patient receiving sedative drugs intravenously. IV sedation has a quick onset and takes effect rapidly. This type of dental sedation will not make you unconscious but put you in a dream-like state. You may remember much about your wisdom tooth extraction procedure. Make sure you arrange for someone to drive you home afterwards because the effects of IV sedation can take a while to wear off completely.

Oral Sedation

If the dentist decides that oral sedation is the viable option for you, you will need to take the oral sedatives about an hour before your dental treatment. Oral sedatives help you relax and may make you sleepy or drowsy. You may not remember much about what happened during the procedure. Like IV sedation, you will need someone to drive you home after the treatment.

General Anaesthesia

You will become completely unconscious after receiving a general anaesthetic and won’t feel pain or discomfort during your procedure. You will be unaware of your surroundings and won’t remember anything about your wisdom tooth extraction. You will be monitored closely during and after your treatment to ensure your safety. You will need to arrange for a friend or family member to take you home.

Each of these options has its benefits, depending on your level of anxiety and the specifics of your dental procedure. Your dentist can help determine the best choice for your situation. To learn more about wisdom teeth, see our extensive guide on wisdom teeth removal in Perth.

Ready to Talk? Let’s Make Your Visit Comfortable

Reach out to Perth Wisdom Teeth Clinic today to discuss your concerns and schedule an appointment by contacting us at (08) 9474 5083. We are dedicated to providing you with a calm, supportive environment where your comfort and care come first. We are also a HCF preferred provider, NIB preferred provider, Medibank preferred provider, HBF preferred provider, and Bupa preferred provider dentist in Perth.

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