Wisdom Teeth Removal Under General Anaesthesia

27 Aug
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Consult

Wisdom Teeth Removal Under General Anaesthesia

Many people get anxious or scared when it comes to receiving dental care. General anaesthesia can make several potentially stressful dental procedures, like wisdom teeth removal, much smoother and less frightening. In this article, we have provided our patients with helpful tips on what it’s like to undergo wisdom teeth removal under general anaesthesia and how to prepare for a dental procedure with general anaesthesia (GA).

Why Your Dentist May Suggest Wisdom Teeth Removal Under General Anaesthesia

Your Perth dentist may suggest you have your wisdom teeth removed for a number of reasons. Here’s why it could be recommended:

Complex Tooth Position: Removing wisdom teeth that are impacted or have grown at an incorrect angle could be tricky and painful. General anaesthesia can make this uncomfortable tooth removal easier and a lot less painful.

Multiple Extractions: Some people may need to have all their wisdom teeth extracted at once, which may lead to a lot of pain or discomfort. General anesthesia ensures that they will not experience much discomfort during the procedure.

Anxiety and Fear: Experiencing fear or anxiety about an upcoming dental surgery is quite common among people. General anaesthesia renders patients to sleep, ensuring they won’t feel stress or anxiety during the removal process.

Long Procedure: Some wisdom teeth removal sessions may take a long time due to the complexity of the patient’s teeth or the number of teeth that need to be removed. Being asleep for the entire duration of the procedure can reduce the discomfort the patient may experience due to the length of the procedure.

Underlying Medical Conditions: General anaesthesia can benefit people with certain medical conditions or those who have difficulty sitting still for a long time by providing a safer and more controlled situation for the dentist.

General anesthesia can make a dental procedure much more comfortable for the patient and easier for the dentist.

Benefits of General Anaesthesia for Wisdom Teeth Removal 

General anaesthesia has several benefits for people who need wisdom tooth extraction in Perth. Here’s why it might be beneficial:

No Pain During Surgery: Since the patient is completely unconscious, they will not feel any pain or discomfort during wisdom teeth removal.

Reduced Anxiety: Patients will sleep throughout the entire procedure and, therefore, will not experience anxiety or fear.

Easier for the Dentist: When the patient is asleep during wisdom tooth extraction, they won’t move, which can make the removal easier and less hectic for the dentist.

Time-Saving: If the patient needs multiple teeth removed, they will have to visit the dentist a couple of times. General anaesthesia enables the dentist to remove all problematic wisdom teeth at once and during one visit.

Better for Complex Cases: Wisdom teeth that have grown at an awkward angle or are stuck in the gums or the jawbone can cause the patient a lot of pain and discomfort and turn the removal process into a complicated one. General anaesthesia ensures comfort for the patient and efficiency for the dentist when it comes to extracting impacted wisdom teeth.

Less Movement: Being unconscious during the removal process means less movement and more safety.

Preparing for Your Surgery

Preparation is an essential part of getting ready for a dental procedure under general anaesthesia. Here’s what you should do to prepare:

Follow Fasting Instructions: Your dentist may ask you to fast for 6-8 hours before your wisdom teeth surgery under GA.

Arrange Transportation: You may be dizzy and disoriented upon waking up from a general anaesthesia procedure, which is why arranging for someone to drive you home is necessary.

Wear Comfortable Clothing: You will be asked to wear comfortable clothes and remove all your jewellery and makeup before your dental treatment.

Plan Time Off: Taking a few days off work or school can help you recover faster after wisdom teeth extraction.

Prepare Your Home: It is a good idea to prepare a resting spot at home using pillows, blankets, books, or movies so that you can recover from the surgery. Sticking to soft foods like yoghurt, mashed potatoes, and soup can also accelerate the healing process.

Medication and Supplies: Make sure to get any medicines your dentist prescribes. Prepare ice packs, gauze, and over-the-counter pain relievers in advance for after your tooth removal procedure.

Discuss Medical History: Before your surgery, your dentist must know about any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you’re currently taking. This information is needed for your safety.

Ask Questions: If you have any questions or worries about your wisdom teeth surgery, make a list and ask your dentist. When you know what to expect, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable during the procedure.

By following these steps, you’ll be well-prepared for your wisdom teeth removal and set up for a smooth recovery.

The Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal Under General Anaesthesia

Here’s what you can expect from a wisdom tooth extraction process under general anaesthesia.

Arrival and Check-In: After you arrive at the clinic and complete the necessary paperwork, the staff will guide you to the preparation area.

Pre-Surgery Prep: A dental assistant or nurse will take your vital signs, including your heart rate and blood pressure. You may also receive fluids and medication through an IV line.

Meeting the Anaesthetist: The anaesthetist who is in charge of administering the general anaesthetic will be there to answer your questions. The anesthetic will also ensure your safety by monitoring you throughout the process.

Administration of Anaesthesia: After you are taken to the surgery room, you will receive anaesthesia through an IV line or a mask on your nose. The anaesthesia will put you to sleep quickly and for the entire duration of the dental procedure.

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Your South Perth dentist or oral surgeon will make small cuts in your gums to access the tooth while you are unconscious. In some cases, the oral surgeon may also need to remove some bones around the teeth before they can remove the tooth. The oral surgeon will stitch up the incisions after they take out the tooth.

Waking Up: After your tooth is removed, you will be moved to a recovery room so that you can wake up from the anaesthesia. Nurses will monitor you to ensure that you are recovering well.

Post-Surgery Instructions: Your dentist will provide you with instructions about how to care for your mouth. You will also be informed about any medications and pain relievers you may need after your procedure.

Going Home: A friend or family member can pick you up and take you home once you are awake and the dentist decides that you are safe to leave. Follow any instructions that your dentist will give you for a fast recovery.

Knowing each step can help you feel more prepared and confident about the process. If you have any questions or concerns, always ask your dentist or anaesthetist.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery Tips

To experience a smooth recovery after wisdom tooth extraction, you will need to stick to your dentist’s instructions. Here are some tips to help you heal quickly and comfortably:

Rest: It is important to give your body time to heal and avoid any strenuous activities for at least the first couple of days following your wisdom tooth removal.

Manage Pain and Swelling: Applying ice packs to your cheeks for the first 24 hours after your tooth removal will help with the swelling. To manage pain, you can take pain medications that your dentist has prescribed.

Eat Soft Foods: Your dentist may recommend that you eat soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and soup and avoid hard or crunchy foods that may irritate the extraction site.

Stay Hydrated: Avoid using straws when drinking water because sucking motion may increase the risk of the blood clot being dislodged, resulting in delayed healing.

Keep Your Mouth Clean: After 24 hours following your tooth removal, you can rinse your mouth using warm salt water. It is important to avoid brushing near the surgery site until it has healed a little.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can delay healing and elevate your risk of dry sockets.

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions: Ensure you follow your dentist’s instructions, including how to maintain oral hygiene or when to take your prescribed medications.

Watch for Complications: Look for any signs of intense pain, fever, or swelling that won’t improve and inform your dentist as soon as possible, as these may be warning signs of infection.

Elevate Your Head: Keeping your head elevated with pillows can help with swelling and bleeding.

Be Patient: Each body’s healing time is different, so make sure you give your body the time it needs to recover fully.

Possible Risks and Complications of General Anaesthesia for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

General anaesthesia can solve the problem of nervousness or fear about dental procedures; however, it may have some potential risks or complications. Here’s what you should know:

Allergic Reactions: Some people may be allergic to anaesthesia. That’s why the anaesthetist will ask for your complete medical history and any possible allergies you may have prior to the procedure.

Nausea and Vomiting: You may feel nauseous or even vomit after you wake up from general anaesthesia, which is natural and should pass after a few hours.

Sore Throat: Upon waking up from anaesthesia, you may have a sore throat, which is due to the breathing tube used during the procedure. This will be resolved within a few days.

Drowsiness and Confusion: It is normal to feel drowsy or confused after general anaesthesia. It is a good idea to rest and take it easy for the remainder of the day so that the effects wear off.

Breathing Problems: While rare, some people may develop breathing problems as a side effect of general anaesthesia.

Being aware of these risks can help you feel more prepared and allow you to take steps to minimise them. Always discuss any concerns with your dentist or anaesthetist to ensure you have all the information you need.

For further reading about wisdom teeth, refer to our comprehensive guide on wisdom teeth removal in Perth.

Contact Our Dental Clinic for Expert Care

Experience comfortable and professional care with our experienced dental team. We provide safe and efficient wisdom teeth removal under general anaesthesia. Let us help you achieve a smooth and stress-free recovery. We take pride in being a Medibank preferred provider, HCF-preferred provider, NIB-preferred provider, HBF-preferred provider, and Bupa-preferred provider dentist in Perth.

Call us at (08) 9474 5083 to schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards better oral health. Your well-being is our priority.

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